State Senator Nick Collins ’01

State Senator Nick Collins represents Suffolk County’s First District, which includes the neighborhoods of South Boston, Dorchester, parts of Downtown Boston, and parts of Mattapan. Prior to serving the office of State Senator, Collins ran for the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 2010 on a platform that framed education, healthcare, and economic development as central issues. During his time in the House, Collins served on key committees and earned a reputation for his ability to work across the aisle to achieve legislative goals. Overall, Senator Collins’s goal is to improve the lives of everyday working class families. Collin’s focus on this issue is informed by the many union members who visit the Senator’s office to seek his support on bills that benefit workers. Collins represents these constituents as the Vice Chair on the Joint Committee on Community Development and Small Businesses. Outside of the State House, Senator Collins is heavily involved in his community — he hosts multiple coffee hours each week and attends events that give constituents the opportunity to talk to him. One of the biggest events Collins hosts is the Annual St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast, where he brings together the community to celebrate the culture and community of South Boston, the neighborhood where Collins was borned and raised. His efforts reflect a commitment to improving the lives of those he represents and ensuring that their voices are heard in the state legislature.