Ronan Spock graduated from Boston Latin School this year and will be continuing his studies at Northeastern University in the Fall, pursuing a major in Political Science.

Ronan was born in Boston, MA, and has lived his entire life in the South End with his parents and 2 younger brothers. Growing up, Ronan played in the South End Baseball and South End Soccer leagues. He attended Josiah Quincy Elementary School before starting BLS in the seventh grade. He was introduced to public service in second grade when he volunteered at the Pine Street Inn Shelter with St. Cecilia Parish. Ronan has been involved in his community through United South End Settlements (USES). He has volunteered at their after-school program during the school year and worked at Camp Hale, their overnight summer camp in New Hampshire. His experience with USES has taught him valuable lessons in hard work and leadership. Ronan was an active member of the BLS community. He served as a peer mentor, student leader, and club founder and president. Ronan has always had an interest in politics and was inspired to apply for the Fellowship by his AP classes in American Government, Comparative Government and Environmental Science. Public transportation and infrastructure are more specific topics that Ronan will hope to work on this summer during his time in the Fellowship with Councilor John FitzGerald at the Boston City Council.