Nathan Allukian was born in Boston and resides in Jamaica Plain. He is very proud of one of his earliest decisions: choosing the “right parents.” The youngest of six, he has attended Boston Public Schools his entire academic career and entered Boston Latin School as a seventh grader in the fall of 1999. Since then, Nathan has been involved in a number of clubs and sports at Latin School. As a seventh grader, he was the youngest player on the Junior Varsity Soccer team which he played for two years before making a change to football in the 9th grade, where he continues to play as the kicker, punter, and defensive end on the varsity team. He has also been on the Varsity Wrestling team, since 8th grade, and will be captain his senior year. During the past season he took 2nd place at the Division II South Sectionals Wrestling Tournament and qualified for the Massachusetts State Wrestling Tournament. Nathan loves to learn new skills so he tried out for the Volleyball team this year and surprisingly made the varsity team.
Nathan became involved in public service at an early age. At the age of 12 he was volunteering at Cleansweep, a program that collects and gathers food and clothes from the Boston College dormitories to donate to homeless shelters and various agencies throughout Massachusetts. He takes these duties very seriously and volunteers his time at Cleansweep on a regular basis. Nathan is also very involved in his community. He is currently the Jamaica Plain representative for the Mayor’s Youth Council. Through the Mayor’s Youth Council, Nathan is able to be directly involved in helping his community by finding out the issues of concern to the youth of Jamaica Plain and address them with the city’s officials. The Mayor’s Youth Council is a volunteer program that meets twice a month to discuss the issues that concern Boston’s youth with representatives from all parts of the city, and then to make the appropriate recommendations.
Nathan takes his passion for wrestling seriously and shared this passion with inner city youth by teaching them the skills of wrestling. He enjoys working with these kids-who had never seen amateur wrestling before, and teaching them the physical and mental discipline and toughness that goes into wrestling.
When not studying, working, or playing sports, Nathan likes to take long strolls along the beach at low tide and watch beautiful sunsets. He also enjoys spending time with his family and friends and discussing the world’s current issues, as well as playing chess, backgammon, juggling and delivering new jokes. Nathan also considers himself to be well traveled: having been to Japan, Italy, Hong Kong, St. Croix, Hawaii, Mexico, Macao, and California. After high school Nathan hopes to attend a highly selective liberal arts college and continue to travel around the world.
Last summer, Nathan was an intern at Hanify & King, a private law firm in Boston. There, Nathan learned the daily rituals of attorneys. Nathan was able to gain first hand experience about the inner workings of a law firm and attended murder trials, pleadings and depositions.
This summer as a Ward Fellow, Nathan wants to learn about the public sector of law, so as to experience both sides of law in public agencies and private firms. His sponsor is Attorney General Tom Reilly.