This past June, Natasha Leary graduated from Boston Latin School as a member of the Class of 2003. She has attended Boston Latin School since the seventh grade and throughout her tenure there she has learned a great deal about the importance of hard work and motivation. In the fall she will be attending Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut where she hopes to pursue Political Science and eventually law. For Natasha, Boston Latin School was a place where, although challenging, she was able to meet amazing people and take part in many school-based activities. She is a member of the National Honor Society and is involved in the Walks for Life Club, the Varsity Crew Team, and most importantly is a dedicated volunteer. In fact, Natasha began volunteering in junior high at her parish where she would gather food for the homeless and assemble pamphlets to be distributed in church. She also has periodically volunteered at the Greater Boston Food Bank and since tenth grade Natasha has often volunteered as an after school tutor and was a Saturday Success School Tutor during this past year. Through the challenging academic rigor of high school, the countless hours of studying, and participating in team sports Natasha has learned a great deal about the altruism, devotion, and benevolence a good standing individual should possess, and she hopes to exhibit all these qualities as a Ward Fellow. For her tenure as a Ward Fellow Natasha hopes also to possess those qualities that made John William Ward such a courageous and compassionate individual whose top priority was the wellness of others. Natasha wanted to be a Ward Fellow not only because it pertains to her intended area of study, but also because it relates first hand to people’s lives. In today’s society individuals are constantly faced with dilemmas. Even by looking at the front page of the newspaper, Natasha constantly notices the repercussions of the difficulties which currently face our society. There are children who do not have enough books and who are required to learn in overcrowded classrooms, elderly whodo not have adequate health care, and many individuals who are struggling with debt. The fact that this Fellowship shows young and involved students how they can work to make a difference to diminish these problems was also another factor which drew Natasha to the Fellowship. Natasha feels that the Ward Fellowship is vital to young adults because the students involved mirror our society. The Fellows are diverse groups of students with different backgrounds who come together and learn from each other. Natasha knows that every individual has been given opportunities to help others and this is what the Ward Fellowship is all about.
Given the opportunity to be a Ward Fellow will have profoundeffects on Natasha’s future. Through her knowledge of public service she will give positively give back to her community by working with others to mold a safe and accepting society. Having grown up seeing individuals on the streets without the warmth of a home or family, having seen children deprived of adequate learning supplies, and having seen families without health care has given Natasha enormous respect for her life as well as a longing to reach out and help those underprivileged individuals. The Ward Fellowship is a stepping stone in Natasha’s path towards public service and by all means working to try to combat these problems with current officials will be the next step towards her acting as if one can make a difference in the world. Her sponsor is Suffolk County District Attorney Dan Conley.