Naomi Carrigg
Ever since elementary school, when her mother dragged her door to door to campaign for Deval Patrick, Naomi has been involved in community action. As a life-long resident of Jamaica Plain, she has attended countless Earth day celebrations and protests in the neighborhood. She has been brought up with the Jewish tradition of tikkun olam, or the duty to heal the world, and has been inspired by her mother’s life-long commitment to affordable housing and environmental work.
Motivated by the growing youth climate movement, and scared by the prospect of an exponentially warming planet, Naomi joined the Boston Latin School Youth Climate Action Network in her junior year. She lobbied for bills, hosted workshops for her peers, and built a giant whale mosaic on the Boston Common to call attention to the need for a carbon pricing bill.
During her time in high school, Naomi debated diplomatic solutions to international conflict as a senior officer of the club Education for Public Inquiry and International Citizenship (EPIIC) and rowed on the Varsity Crew team.
After her first summer internship at Ariadne Labs, a public health non profit, Naomi knew that she wanted to work with a community of people to help others. The subsequent summer she worked at Bikes Not Bombs, helping to advance the organization’s efforts to use the bike as a tool for social change. These experiences, coupled with her growing interest in politics, drove her to apply for the John William Ward Fellowship. Along with her commitment to the environment, Naomi’s interests include international relations, data science, law, women’s rights, and political science. She has been inspired by national leaders like Samantha Power, David Litt, and Barack Obama, and Michelle Obama to pursue a career in public service. She is eager to explore some of these interests this summer and is thankful for this opportunity.
Naomi graduated from Boston Latin School this past spring and will be attending American University in the fall to study International Relations.