Lauren Shapiro was born and raised in Jamaica Plain in Boston, and she always felt a strong connection to her community. After completing seven years at Advent elementary school she began her career as a Latin School student in class VI. Going from a class of fewer than twenty students to one composed of over 400 students from all different areas and backgrounds was a great change that Lauren welcomed. Over the past five years at Latin she has learned to balance academics with extracurricular activities and time with friends and family. In her junior year she became co-president of the Film Appreciation Society and also participated in the football band, crew team, senior concert band, cooks who care, amnesty international, and took part in the after school tutoring program.
Outside of school she loves to travel and spend time with her friends and family, particularly her sister, Amanda (Boston Latin class of 2004, who now attend Harvard College). Inspired by her parents (both lawyers) and her sister (student organizer for a non-profit organization, Jobs with Justice), she has always been encouraged to participate in public service work and non-profit organizations. After attending college she hopes to pursue a career in either of these fields.
This summer served to further inspire her to dedicate her life towards public service. She has been working for the Boston Corporation Counsel under Bill Sinnott. She was able to see the variety of ways that the Law Department helps the city, defending them in a variety of cases ranging from car accidents to civil rights cases. She was able to sit in and watch court, attend various commission meetings, and learn new and valuable skills for around the office. Outside of working in the Law Department she has greatly enjoyed all the meetings the Ward Fellows attended throughout the summer. Meeting with these important figures, who were gracious enough to lend their time to the fellows and answer all their questions was fascinating and enlightening for her.
After graduating from Latin School next year Lauren hopes to attend college and at some point work in a field that gives back to her community. She is particularly interested in humanitarian efforts and social work. She is very grateful for this summer and feels she has benefited and grown from it in many ways.