Kristina Vo
Kristina Vo was born in 2004 in Boston,MA to a newly immigrated Vietnamese couple. As a child Kristina spend most of her time at Viet-Aid and the local public library. Growing up in
Fields Corner she saw the first handed struggles of the neighborhood. Even though these people were facing issues of evictions, discrimination, and poverty they would still always lend a
helping hand to Kristina and her family. As she progressed into Boston Latin she realized she needed give back to the community that had shaped her character and helped her succeed. She started her sophomore year summer with an internship with the PIC Social Justice Academy. Throughout that summer she researched and presented on the inequalities and social just fdice issues of Boston. Her final report for for the internship was about the effect Covid in Communities of Color. For her junior year summer she wanted to continue her journey through public service by applying to the Ward Fellowship where she now works along the State Representative Adrian Madaro. At school you can find her singing with the chorus ensemble or in the gym prepping for her next volleyball game. Staring volleyball in the 8th grade Kristina became a prominent figure in team leadership. She went on the play club for Boston UVC and you can also find her coaching Nike Sports Camps in the summer. With her outgoing personality and positive work ethic she plans to major in Political Science and Business. Currently she is looking forward to continuing her social justice work throughout college. She is very grateful for her opportunities at Ward to fully understand the inner workings of local government, and she hopes that once gets her degree that she can become a prominent figure in government like her sponsor.