Born on August 8, 1999 alongside his twin sister, Jake Moy has spent the past 17 years of his life living in Roslindale.
Ever since he started talking, Jake hasn’t been able to stop. His love for arguing with his parents as well as his nonstop rambling about anything and everything eventually led his father to tell him to “use that mouth of yours to become a lawyer”.
The summer before his freshman year of Boston Latin School, Jake started working at The Food Project. There, he was able to learn about agriculture as well and expand both his knowledge of and interest in social issues. Ever since he participated in this program, Jake has tried to become more involved in opportunities that keep him engaged with the greater Boston community. His involvement with the Food Project recently ended as he finished up working as a root crew worker during his senior year.
“It is my hope that I can use what I learn from the Ward Fellowship in order to help out the communities I’ve been a part of throughout my life”. Jake says. The school’s breakdancing club, recycling committee, band, and chapter of Habitat for Humanity are just a few of the many extracurricular activities that Jake enjoys partaking in. This summer he is working for state representative Nick Collins of South Boston and hopes to learn more about certain facets of state and local government with the hope of one day becoming a public servant himself and giving back to his communities in a more formal way. In the fall, Jake will be attending Temple University and majoring in Criminal Justice as well as Psychology with the hope of later pursuing a career in the law by attending law school.