Franklin Ho was born in 1987 in Boston and lives with his parents, older sister (Class of ’02), and younger brother. In 1999 he entered Boston Latin School as a sixie and has recently graduated in the Class of 2005. Without a doubt, he is glad to be out of high school and looks forward to moving to another country and into the next stage in his life. In the fall he will be attending McGill University with an intended major of International Relations and Economics.
During his time at Boston Latin School, Franklin could usually be found sprawled across the desk sleeping during class. And with good reason. He has always been involved with many projects outside of the classroom (despite the fact that most of them caused unbearable amounts of sleep deprivation). Since eighth grade he has been involved with the Animal Care Team; he volunteered biweekly at various animal shelters. He was also Forum Editor and writer for the Boston Latin School Argo, was the Chinatown representative for the Mayor’s Youth Council, worked as a mentor for the Boston Writing Project’s Writer Workshop, and contributed to community development in Chinatown as part of the Young Leaders’ Network.
On his own time, Franklin was an avid student of White Crane Kung-Fu for two and a half years but stopped recently due to the pressures of senior year. He also enjoys sailing on the Charles River at Community Boating, ultimate frisbee games, starting juvenile water gun fights, and learning how to cook (while failing horribly and nearly burning his apartment down).
Franklin became interested in the political sphere through both his position as a writer for the Argo and his Facing History and Ourselves class. In the summer of 2004, he traveled to China through the charity of Summer Search Boston and was exposed to a culture truly than that of the United States. Returning with an unsatisfied wanderlust, he wanted to get into international relations in order to understand the world more. He is also interested in national politics and is very vocal about his stands on the various issues that crop up.
Franklin’s sponsor this summer is Boston Globe Associate Editorial Pages Editor Robert Turner.