Calisse Pollina is a member of the Class of 2003. She lives in Brighton with her parents, and has attended Boston Latin since ninth grade. She is currently looking to attend college in either Philadelphia or Boston. Her future career plans include going to law school after getting a bachelor’s degree in either a business management or pre-law program.
During her years at Latin, Calisse has been an active member in many activities. She has been a member of the Italian Club, the Gospel Choir for many years, the John William Ward Society and Student Council, in which she has participated in various capacities, most importantly as President during her senior year. Calisse believes that through student involvement, Latin’s overall atmosphere can be changed so that briefly the focus can be taken away from soley academics. She hopes to use events such as the Faculty-Student Basketball game and possibly bringing back the Roundtable meetings between clubs to do this.
Calisse first became interested in public service after joining the Mayor’s Youth Council last year. Since then, she has been involved with community outreach, and has spoken on a number of occasions to groups about the issues Boston teens face. As the Student Representative on the Boston School Committee, she gets to see on a regular basis how when one person speaks up and voices their opinion, it can change policies.
Calisse’s sponsor is Shannon P. O’Brien.