Beverly, a first generation American in her family, grew up in Brighton living with her mother and her grandparents. She was blessed with a very close family, who came to America from Russia nearly thirty years ago, sharing the language and the culture of her heritage with her. Hard work and excellence were always present in her household, whether it was working together to solve a math problem or just making dinner.
From a young age, Beverly was interested in public service because she not only wanted to help people but she wanted to make a difference. Beginning in the sixth grade through a program in her school, Beverly was able to travel to a public school in Brighton two to three times a week and help second graders learn and improve their reading skills. It was from this point on that she continued to work with children and people around her community. Following that year, Beverly was blessed with the opportunity to attend one of the best schools in the state, Boston Latin School, where she was afforded countless new avenues to continue to help others. Beginning in the ninth grade, Beverly began to attend Saturday Success School and after school tutoring where she would help younger kids with homework in subjects such as Math, English, Latin, or Spanish.
Because of her love for math and kids, Beverly saw an opportunity which she could not let pass in an educational camp in Sunapee, NH. This was an overnight camp kids of all ages, which devoted an hour of each day to math. Beverly spent one summer working at that camp teaching children math and helping with other activities. Until becoming a Ward Fellow, Beverly worked at a pharmacy in Brighton where she helped the elderly in her community. Whether providing Russian translating services for them, bringing the prescriptions to their homes, or helping out in any way she could, Beverly enjoyed working and helping the people in her community.
At this moment Beverly is unsure about her future path, simply knowing that she wants to continue helping others in any way which she can, whether this is becoming a lawyer or entering into the business world to help people make the right decisions. She knows that she wants to attend a medium or large college not to far away from her home and the east coast and deciding her future path there.
This summer through the Ward Fellowship Beverly is working with Representative Marie St. Fleur in the Boston State House. She is very interested in her sponsor because she is able to work with a woman who makes great differences for her community daily, differences which Beverly hopes she will be able to make one day.
Throughout her life Beverly has overcome many obstacles, which have made her stronger and molded her into the person she is today. She learned from her mistakes to become a better leader, one who is eager to learn and make a difference. It is for these reasons that Beverly loves working in public service and hopes to continue to do so in her future.