Upholding how good things come in threes, Emily was born in New York to two first generation immigrants from Anhui, China, and moved to Connecticut for her elementary years, finally coming to Boston in sixth grade. Moving to the city was transformational for Emily as she slowly found her interest in public speaking and its immense effects on life—academic or professional. As a speech coach for Global Youth Philanthropy, Emily helps younger children to also find their voice and confidence in speaking.
At Latin School, Emily serves as the captain of the mock trial team. One of the most impactful experiences for Emily was learning about oral arguments given in the Supreme Court and reading documents such as The Onion’s amicus brief for the case of Anthony Novak v. City of Parma. Emily finds powerful the fact that people are able and have contended laws for their Constitutional validity. To her, public servants act as a bridge between the voice of their people and that of their government to best represent those who cannot represent themselves in order to deliver fundamental change for everyone.
During her time with the Ward Fellowship interning with U.S. District Judge Patti Saris, Emily hopes to learn about a career in the judicial branch and how overturning of legal precedents affects policy making and sentencing.