Jesse Yang was born in Boston, Massachusetts as the youngest child of a family of four Chinese immigrants. His parents immigrated to Boston thirty years ago and have tirelessly worked to provide their two sons the opportunities they did not have back in China.
From a very young age, his parents have formed a precept in his mind to achieve nothing but the best. However, this mindset did not come into effect until he met his first grade teacher, Ms. Hailey. With her encouragement and faith in Jesse, he was able to overcome his mischievous behavior and sought to become a good student. Through the Thomas Gardner Elementary School to the Thomas A. Edison Middle School, he always settled in the top advanced classes and received the highest grades.
However, Boston Latin School came as a shock with its challenging classes and rigorous courses. With help from his guidance counselors and his supportive family, he was able to recover and adopt good work habits to succeed in his Boston Latin academic career. As soon as he had his academic issues settled, he pursued many extracurricular activities in addition to his piano playing hobby, which he began at the age of five. For his music obsession, he joined the BLS Band as a percussionist and has played for them since sixie year. He also played as accompaniment for the Chorus led by Ms. Fernandez and Mr. Simmons.
Jesse’s parents believed it was important for their sons to understand and appreciate the Chinese culture. They sent him and his older brother to Sunday Chinese School since a very young age to learn how to speak and write Chinese. He also joined the schools A.S.I.A. (Asian Students in Action) in effort to display his pride in Chinese culture. In order to keep in shape, Jesse joined the basketball team in his Sunday Chinese School. While at Boston Latin, he joined the Indoor Track and Field team and earned his varsity letter in 10th grade.
Boston Latin School has sharpened his senses, toughened his spirit, and essentially prepared him for future obstacles. However, it also provided countless experiences that will evolve into wisdom embedded in his mind for the rest of his life. He hopes to attend a college in the New England area, preferably Harvard College.
Prior to his public service with the Ward Fellowship, Jesse has volunteered for many non-profit organizations, Boston Latin School main office, and has tutored students after school. He feels proud to know that he has made a difference in the life of a person in need. He believes that public service is a vital organ in a successful community in that it brings about positive change and that it brings together people that have similar goals. From this experience, he was motivated in beginning the Wolfpack Volunteer Club in 2004 within the school community. Ever since then, community service has become his passion and where he focuses his dedication on. The Ward Fellowship was an important point in his life, because he was able to meet public officials personally and find out more about the benefits of helping the community. It has provided him valuable experience and has deepened his interest in public service. Furthermore, it has convinced him to pursue a career in public service after college.
Jesse’s Ward Fellowship sponsor is Michelle Ekanem, Assistant Director of Civil Rights at the Boston Housing Authority.